1. It’s cold. Bitter cold. But the sun is shining and that helps everyone handle it better.
2. Last night we attended the *surprise* birthday party for a gentleman turning 90. I wish you could meet him – he’s fit, sharp, smart, witty and debonair. His vocabulary includes words like “marvelous” and “terrific,” all while holding a glass of Scotch and winking at his pretty wife. Listening to his children share stories he’d never told anyone – his 52 missions into North Korea as a fighter pilot – left us filled us with awe; listening to their tributes and love for him filled us with emotion. And when his OLDER brother’s voice cracked as he described their close relationship well .. everyone lost it. It was wonderful to hear the kind words with him, instead of waiting until after he’s left us.
3. As the party ended Hubbs and I both got up to clear tables and pack up food, gifts and decorations. I shouldn’t be but always am surprised by the ones who should help but don’t. However, had we not done that, Hubbs would not have heard these words from birthday boy’s wife, “You’re such a good man; I can always count on you … Thank you.” Aww.
4. Came across this list today and had to share it with you – 30 days of growth – there is a lot here and I can’t possibly do them all but 7, 11 and 14 resonated with me. You?
5. Back to work tomorrow. I have a few things to get around yet today but … for the most part, I’m ready.
How’s your Sunday shaping up? Attend any fun parties lately?